Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Metaphorical truth, as articulated by Iain McGilchrist, refers to the understanding that certain metaphors, while not literally factual, convey deeper, essential truths about our reality. Such truths arise from the interplay between language and experience, showcasing the brain's capacity to grasp meaning beyond the confines of literal interpretation. Rooted in the right hemisphere’s reliance on context, metaphorical truth reveals dimensions of human experience that linear, left-hemispheric logic alone cannot capture. It bridges the gap between abstract concepts and lived experience, allowing us to perceive and articulate the subtleties of existence in ways that are emotionally resonant and cognitively rich. Thus, metaphorical truth transcends the mere factual to unveil a more holistic, nuanced understanding of the world.

See also: hemispheric hypothesis, right hemisphere, left hemisphere, corpus callosum

Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God 28,912

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