What is this?

Metaphorical truth is the idea that reality is not only conveyed through factual statements and quantitative data, but also through the narrative or human experience. It is the notion that what is “true” or “real” is not simply captured by logical or scientific explanations, but also in how we make sense of our experience and our environment through the language and symbols we use. For McGilchrist, metaphorical truth is an awareness of how language is rooted in metaphor, and how our understanding of the world is influenced by the underlying stories that we choose to tell. In this way, it recognizes the essential role that story and meaning play in our lives, and helps us rethink reality through the lens of metaphor, imagination, and aesthetics.

See also: hemispheric hypothesis, right hemisphere, left hemisphere, corpus callosum

Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God 28,912

Is Jesus' Resurrection literally true? - Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx 3,523